County of Spokane (WA)
Recent News About County of Spokane (WA)
SPOKANE COUNTY: Deadline to file write-in candidacy without paying a filing fee for August Primary to be held on July 16, 2020
Deadline to file write-in candidacy without paying a filing fee for August Primary to be held on July 16, 2020 at Spokane County.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Ballots Mailed for August 4th Primary to be held on July 15, 2020
Ballots Mailed for August 4, 2020 Primary.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Spokane County Allocates $10 Million for Small and Non-Profit Business Grant Program
Spokane County has allocated $10 million of CARES Act dollars to fund a grant program to support small and non-profit businesses with 20 and fewer employees to help offset safety and operating costs, rent and other allowable expenses.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Jury Trials Resuming
Spokane County Superior and District Courts and Spokane Municipal Court will resume jury trials in July after pausing them in March (Supreme Court Order issued 3/20/2020) in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
2020 Spokane County Interstate Fair to be held in alternate format
The 2020 Spokane County Interstate Fair and Rodeo will not be held in its traditional format this year.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Spokane County Cancels 2020 Aquatic Season at Northside and Southside Family Aquatic Facilities due
Spokane County is the proud owner and operator of two, outdoor Family Aquatic Facilities.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Applying for a Marriage License in Spokane County During COVID-19
Despite the ban on large gatherings, due to the Governor’s Safe Start Plan, couples in Spokane County are still getting married this summer.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Independence Day - County Offices Closed
Independence Day!
SPOKANE COUNTY: Wellness Wednesday Vaccine Clinic-to be held on June 17, 2020-CANCELLED
This event is cancelled.
SPOKANE COUNTY: SCRAPS Offices Closed - June 18, 2020
The office is closed.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Free Dog Training Classes- to be held on June 20, 2020-CANCELLED
This event is cancelled.
SPOKANE COUNTY: 2020 Spokane County Interstate Fair to be Reformatted
After significant deliberation and discussion, the Spokane County Fair and Expo Center Advisory Board and the Board of County Commissioners have reached a decision that the 2020 Spokane County Interstate Fair & Rodeo will not be held in its traditional format.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Wellness Wednesday Vaccine Clinic--to be held on June 10 - CANCELLED
This event is cancelled.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Public Defender’s Office Celebrates 50 Years
Spokane County Public Defender’s Office celebrates their 50-year anniversary of the establishment of the Spokane County Public Defender’s office.
Spokane virus increase attributed to congregating
Spokane County, Washington, saw a double-digit increase in COVID-19 cases in the month of May, which is attributed to an outbreak in the county.
Gov. Inslee turns down request for faster reopening of Spokane County
Spokane County’s request to move faster to phase two of Washington’s COVID-19 reopening plan has been denied by Gov. Jay Inslee.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Candidate Statements & Photos Due For Voters' Guide
There will be an event called Candidate Statements & Photo to be held on May 22 at Spokane Washington.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Wellness Wednesday Vaccine Clinic (May 20)--CANCELLED
This event is cancelled.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Wellness Wednesday Vaccine Clinic--CANCELLED
This event is cancelled.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Online Candidate Filing Begins at 9:00 AM Monday May 11, 2020
Online Candidate Filing Begins Online Candidate Filing is the preferred method of filing.