County of Spokane (WA)
Recent News About County of Spokane (WA)
SPOKANE COVID RESPONSE: Drive-Through COVID-19 Screening Site Will Remain Open with National Guard Support
The drive-through Community COVID-19 Screening Site, at Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, will remain open for COVID-19 screening and testing beyond its previously scheduled April 30 closing date.
SPOKANE COUNTY: April 28th Special Election
April 28th is the Washington State Special Election - Spokane County does not have any districts participating in the April Election.
SPOKANE COUNTY: CARES Act funding in Spokane County
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress with overwhelming, bipartisan support and signed into law by the President on March 27th, 2020.
SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT: Drive-through screening offers patients experiencing COVID-19 symptoms short wait this weekend
UPDATE: COVID-19 Screening Site Hours have changed.
SPOKANE COVID RESPONSE: Regional Partners Coordinating Food Resources
As part of the Inland COVID-19 Response Team, the Food Continuity Task Force is coordinating access to resources for Spokane County food needs and meal services for vulnerable populations.
SPOKANE COUNTY: ISA Certified Arborist, Utility Specialist, and Municipal Specialist Exam - cancelled
This exam has been cancelled.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Breast Cancer Support Group to be held on April 08, 2020
An open group for women with breast cancer to come together and share the experiences and issues encountered.
Scraps offices are closed.
SPOKANE COUNTY: COVID-19 and Superior Court Operations
In order to minimize in person contact, the Court is temporarily allowing some access via email.
SPOKANE COUNTY: Volunteer Orientation--CANCELLED
This event is cancelled.
SPOKANE COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE: No Criminal Charges Police Shooting
The Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office has determined that Spokane County Sheriff’s Deputy Brent Miller was justified in use of lethal force against Clando Anitok while attempting to contact/arrest him for felony eluding following a chase through a residential neighborhood in the area of North Wall St. and West Weile Ave. in Spokane County.